Privacy Policy
In this privacy policy, the terms “we”, “us” and “ours” refers to Grafico Australia Pty Ltd ACN 659821557.  The term “Website” means the website located at

This policy provides information as to the kind of information that we collect through the Website and the ways we use it.

We are bound by the National Privacy Principles contained in the Privacy Act (1988) (Cth) which govern the handling of personal information.  Personal information can include a person’s name, address and any health information (including opinion) about the person.

Types of information we collect
We collect information on visitors to the Website, including information on which areas of the Website are most often accessed and how long visitors visit those areas.

We utilise “cookies” which enable us to monitor such traffic patterns and to serve you more efficiently if you revisit the site.  A cookie does not identify you personally but it does identify your computer.  You may be able to set your browser to notify you when you receive a cookie and this will provide you with an opportunity to either accept or reject it in each instance.  Rejecting cookies may have the effect of limiting your access to parts of the Website and affecting certain Website functionality.

Personal information may be collected if you choose to register on the Website.  The purpose of the collection of such information is clear from the context in which it is collected, but may include to receive updates and newsletters from us if you so elect.

Where you are required to pay to purchase goods from us through the Website, we (or a financial institution engaged by us) will also collect financial information such as credit card information.

Protection of personal information 
We use reasonable endeavours to protect personal information and to use and disclose it only as set out below.  Where utilised for the purpose of transactions, the Website uses a login process to promote the security of usernames and passwords.  The Website’s servers are located in a secured data centre with security measures in place.

Access, use and disclosure
Our employed staff and contractors engaged by us may have access to personal information that you provide and may access it for purposes that include the audit of content on the Website for quality control purposes and for compliance with our Website Terms and Conditions.We will not, without your consent, sell or otherwise provide your personal information to a third party, or make any other use of your personal information, for any purpose which is not incidental to your use of the Website.

We may disclose personal information, and you consent to us doing so, to third parties who are engaged by us to perform functions or provide products and services on our behalf, such as financial institutions processing credit cards and mail houses (and businesses performing such functions) and our agents, business partners, joint venture entities or partners, for the purpose of distributing materials which you have consented to receive.  We may also need to disclose it if required to conduct any investigation into you or your activities, if for example there is reason to believe that you have committed a breach of any of our Website Terms and Conditions.  We may also disclose such information as required or permitted by any law.

If you request us not to use personal information in a particular manner at all, we will adopt reasonable measures to observe your request but we may still use or disclose that information if:

  • you do not provide us with adequate time to address your request;
  • we subsequently notify you of the intended use or disclosure and you do not object to that use or disclosure;
  • we believe that the use or disclosure is reasonably necessary to assist a law enforcement agency or an agency responsible for government or public security in the performance of their functions; or
  • we are required by law to disclose the information.

We will preserve the content of any e-mail you send us in relation to the above if we believe we have the legal requirement to do so.

Further, your e-mail message content in general may be monitored by us for trouble-shooting or maintenance purposes or if any form of e-mail abuse is suspected.

Personal information which we collect may be aggregated for analysis but except in circumstances where you expressly or impliedly indicate that you wish to make the information available to others and to identify you, we will use best endeavours to ensure that individuals would remain anonymous.

Unless in using the Website you expressly or impliedly agree to make certain information available, all personal information which we collect is kept confidential to the best of our ability, subject to the other terms and conditions of this privacy policy.  You will appreciate, however, that we cannot guarantee the security of transmission as there are always risks associated with transmitting information across the Internet.

In addition, our employees and contractors who provide services related to our Website are obliged to respect the confidentiality of any personal information held by us.

Access to your personal information
You are entitled to have access to any personal information relating to you which you have previously supplied to us over this Website.  You are entitled to edit or delete such information unless we are required by law to retain it.

If at any time you provide personal or other information about someone other than yourself, you warrant that you have that person’s consent to provide such information for the purpose specified.

While this website is not intended to target minors, we consider it is the responsibility of parents to monitor their children’s use of our website.

In the event that our company is ever sold, acquired, merged, liquidated, reorganized or otherwise transferred, we reserve the right to transfer to the extent permissible at law our user databases, together with any personal information and non-personal information contained therein to a third party acquiring the assets.

Changes to and limitations of this policy
We reserve the right to make changes to this policy.  Such changes will be notified to you upon your attempt to log-in to the Website following the making of such changes.

The Website may provide links to other third party sites as a service to our users.  Our privacy policy described here does not apply to those sites.  Please ensure that you review and agree with the terms and conditions and privacy policy of any linked website before providing any personal information.

Contact us
If you wish to make an inquiry regarding any personal information relating to you which may be in our possession, contact:

The Privacy Officer
Grafico Australia Pty. Ltd.
57 Steel St
Nth Melbourne Vic

Or [email protected]

Further information about privacy
For more information about privacy issues in Australia and protecting your privacy visit, the Australian government privacy website.

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